IntelliFloVSF/WhisperFlo | IntelliFlo 2 VST/VS+SVRS Pump Impeller || 073131
- PN:073131 Pool Pump Impeller
- Compatible with Intelliflo VF Intelliflo Variable Speed VS+SVRS Intellipro VS+SVRS
- Compatible with Whisperflo models: WFE-12, WF-12, WFK-12
- 073131 Pool Pump Impeller is the conclusion we have drawn after multiple experiments, and 073131 Impeller can be accurately matched with the corresponding model of water pump, with extremely high cost-effectiveness
- 073131 Impeller successfully extended the service life of the pool pump, and after targeted improvements, the 073131 impeller for pool and spa pump has the ability to operate smoothly for a long time