Pentair Kreepy Krauly Kruiser / Warrior / Lil Rebel / Rebel Eyeball Diverter (41201-0236)
The eyeball diverter is a replacement part that was made by Pentair. The same high-quality materials were used to manufacture the original factory part. Making this a genuine OEM product.
The eyeball diverter was made to help with the cleaner’s mobility.
It does this by directing the water slightly downward to move the cleaner randomly throughout the pool. Water circulating at the surface can and will influence the hose and limit the cleaning coverage.
This part is white and has an open mouth on its end that is pointed towards a downward angle. You want to try different directions when installing to see what works best in your pool, also allow it some time for the body of water to settle into the new pattern.
Works with these Kreepy Krauly suction cleaners:
Lil Rebel