Quikskim Ultra Fine Mesh Sock
Old SKU – 579024
A&A Manufacturing is now Pentair In-Floor Cleaning & Circulation!
A&A’s QuikSkim Ultra features a unique, patented anti-entrapment design that ensures complete safety for you and your family. Because QuikSkim is venturi-powered, its skimming power comes from return water, not the pool pump. This not only means an incredibly efficient skimmer but the safest way to keep your pool clean.
This is a direct replacement silt sock used in conjunction with the basket for the A&A Manufacturing QuikSkim Ultra skimmer assembly. The product was designed to be able to catch small debris and particles that would normally be able to sneak their way through the basket. Please note it will only work with the QuikSkim Ultra basket, nothing else. This is not an ultra-fine mesh sock it is for the QuikSkim Ultra.